Keepin' it clean

Been working on a few ideas lately, as usual. It's been a fun time and I'm obviously still learning. On the plus side, retopo is fun now. Also time consuming, but for good reasons.

After an attempt at a few character designs, I started comparing them to the ones I like on the internet. Originally, I was just learning the process but now I'm really focused on the deformations. So, I made a few notes.

I really wanted to get the right creases but that eventually got in the way with all the extra lines. After some tweaking I was able to get a cleaner look. Now I can go back and make sure the edge flow is better.

Now my next challenge is that lip tuck. I really want the mouth to pinch properly when making certain facial expressions, or get the right crease from the nose to the edge of the lips. This is obviously a work in progress.


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